American Legion Programs


Our Programs

Programs That Change Lives

Families and children in need, youth mentoring, veterans assistance and advocacy from the local community to Capitol Hill.

Americanism Programs

Learn more about the Youth Programs by viewing the different programs the American Legion has been a part of for years.

Children And Youth

Learn more about the Charities by viewing the different charities the American Legion has been a part of for years.

Veterans Services

Learn more about the Veterans Services by viewing the how the programs can help you and your families.

Americanism Programs

Boys State

American Legion Utah Boys State is among the most respected civic educational programs for high school students. LEARN MORE>

Legion Baseball

The American Legion sponsors American Legion Baseball to give players an opportunity to develop their skills, personal fitness, leadership qualities and to have fun. LEARN MORE>

Oratorical Contest

The American Legion Oratorical Contest exists to develop
deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution.


The American Legion’s support for Boy Scouts of America began at the Legion’s first national convention in 1919. LEARN MORE>

JR. Shooting Sports

The American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Program is a gun safety education and marksmanship program that encompasses the basic elements of safety, education, enjoyment and competition. LEARN MORE>

Children And Youth

Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA)

The American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) program has awarded cash grants to minor children of current active duty or American Legion members. LEARN MORE>

National Emergency Fund

The Preamble to The American Legion Constitution sums up the theme of the National Endowment Fund. LEARN MORE>

Family Support Network

The American Legion recognizes that families of active-duty and deployed military personnel face unique difficulties and hardships. LEARN MORE>

Child Safety

The American Legion’s Committee on Children & Youth believes that child safety is everyone’s concern. LEARN MORE>

Children Charities

The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization, is “dedicated to the betterment of all children. LEARN MORE>

Veterans Services

Veterans Benefits Support

Each state has its own function for providing benefits and services to veterans living in that state – education, careers, health care and more. LEARN MORE>

Sons of The American Legion clean up Boston cemetery

Members of The Sons of The American Legion Detachment of Massachusetts joined other Boston-area civic groups to clean and repair headstones at the Mount Hope Cemetery in Boston, Mass. The group also placed flags on the graves of hundreds of veterans buried at the cemetery.

About The

Legion Riders

Currently, over 110,000 American Legion Riders meet in over 2,000 chapters in every domestic department and in at least three foreign countries.